
Paul Van TurenhoutThis is Paul Van Turenhout. He is the organizer of this WEMEP session. From the start of the first conference, in November 2016, Paul was there to coordinate all the things that had to be done so that the participants can enjoy a carefree WEMEP session this year. It has been a busy year for Paul, so now he is glad the session can finally start.




Here you have Emma Hanegraef. During this session she will be the head of presidency. MEP is a project for and with adolescents, so why not by them? Therefore Paul switched Emma in to help him with the organisation of the session. And she didn’t only do the things Paul asked her to. The youth is full of creative ideas and good advices, and Emma is a perfect example of that.





Another important person is Sofie De Wachter. Normally she teaches geography in the Sint-Gummaruscollege, but since the summer she has been busy to put every one of the delegates in one of 63 guest houses. This job is always a big puzzle, but she did it.




Also important are Erasmus+, who wasn’t only a sponsor for the project, but also made the exchange of the participants to Belgium possible, the province of Antwerp, the city of Lier and the Sint-Gummaruscollege, because without them the session would have been practically impossible to realize. And last but not least are the 63 guest families, who exist of students of the Sint-Gummaruscollege, old students, teachers, the people of the school basketball team, citizens of Lier and politicans.